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How to Make Text Animation Like Stardust Crusaders

How to Make Text Animation Like Stardust Crusaders

Taking y'all up to speed with your favourite media.

This is a series of YouTube videos released by Viva Reverie . Each video proper noun includes the name of the source material followed past the phrase "Just Actually Really Fast" which is besides the proper noun of the author-created playlist for these videos .

Each video is characterized by Motor Mouthed characters drawn in extremely simple styles with little more than a body and head with solid black optics. Their bodies vibrate rapidly to indicate speech, and Floating Limbs announced when gestures are needed and disappear as soon as they've accomplished their purpose. Which is to say, yous're not here for height-notch visuals, you're here for the Rapid-Burn down One-act.

The videos in this serial are:

Given that this series is based on summarizing existing works, wait Spoilers Off for those works. Also, no need to cover tropes that originate from those works.

Await out, it's Tropes Guy!

  • Adaptation Personality Change: 2 cases in "Golden Current of air":
  • Adapted Out:
    • Tertiary JoJo characters that don't add anything to the plot such equally Poco, Smokey Brown, and Anne don't appear in their respective videos. They subsequently appear in "Child Protagonist Purgatory" in "Diamond Is Unbreakable", aslope Emporio from Part 6, who is seen leaving to exist Jolyne's sidekick.
    • Similarly, neither Sorbet nor Gelato appear in the "Gilt Air current" episode: their death scene isn't adapted, and during the meeting between La Squadra, a sign that says "MIA" stands in for both of them.
    • As well in "Gold Wind", the process of Melone creating Babe Face's Junior happens entirely off-screen (which the narrator as well lampshaded), due to the very non-consensual and icky nature of information technology. Giorno's fight against the Junior is besides reduced to a Funny Background Result.
  • Alternative Calendar: "Pikmin" has Olimar announce log entries with stardates involving special typographical characters. For example, the starting time scene is "stardate ampersand-power-percent-dollar sign-dollar sign."
  • Ambidextrous Sprite: The characters are uncomplicated plenty that it usually doesn't matter, merely a couple of situations stand out:
    • Zig-zagged in "Battle Tendency" where the Column Fellows have numbers tattooed on their chests that need to read the aforementioned when they plough either way, merely the mechanized half of cyborg Stroheim'due south head keeps switching sides.
    • Zig-zagged in "Stardust Crusaders" where DIO'southward moles are consistently on one side of his face, only things such as Jotaro's concatenation and Polnareff'south shoulder strap switch sides.
    • Zig-zagged in "Toy Story" where the buttons on Buzz'southward breast stay on their respective sides no affair which manner he faces, but Woody's badge switches sides when he turns.
  • Ambiguous Syntax: "Five Nights at Freddy'due south - RED VERSION" has Mike state that Freddy but tries entering the office from the right unless the lights are off, then asks Chica "Same with you?" Chica thinks he'southward talking about changing strategies in the night; Mike has to analyze that his question was referring to which door she tries entering from.
  • Anachronism Stew:
    • From "Stardust Crusaders", which canonically takes place in the late 1980s:

      Judgement: Have you watched Aladdin ?
      Polnareff: That ain't out yet.
      Judgement: Uh, and then this might take a hot minute to explain.

    • And then in "Diamond Is Unbreakable", which takes place in 1999:

      Aya Tsuji: Have you watched Cinderella ?
      Yukako: Aye!?!
      Aya: ...Have you watched Spirited Away note Released in 2001?
      Yukako: NO!?!
      Aya: ...Adept!

  • Anime Pilus: Lampshaded by Narancia'southward shopping list, which includes "hairspray" at least iii times.
  • April Fools' Day: The videos uploaded on April 1st tend to be more nonsensical than the norm, such equally going really tiresome instead of really fast (2022), recapping Viva's library of work while framed as a search for Josuke (2022), Viva directly addressing their creations to talk well-nigh the creative process (then announcing that a Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan video will be released merely a few days after) (2022), and recapping the entire JoJo serial thus far while going so fast that none of the characters accept time to go off the set before the next arc starts (2022).
  • Art Shift:
    • In "Stardust Crusaders", during the infamous "Oh? Yous're budgeted me?" scene.
    • In "Diamond is Unbreakable", when Rohan points out the "Doesn't count" he wrote into Koichi to save him from the Bad Alleyway, his hands are drawn with a lot more detail.
    • In "Gold Wind", every time Pesci goes into his "Serious Mode", his face up is fatigued in a lot more detail.
  • Author Appeal: Viva Reverie loves putting references to They Might Exist Giants' songs in her videos.
  • Auto-Melody: Both Polpo and his Stand, Black Sabbath, speak with a highly distorted, autotuned spoken communication, alluding to his weird echoed vocalisation in the source material.
  • Big "NO!": Uttered by Deok-su when he is suplexed off the glass bridge past Mi-nyeo.
  • Large "WHAT?!": Lite, later his I Know You Know I Know confrontation with Almost ends with the latter suddenly producing multiplying 'Death Notes'. For no apparent reason, this causes him and Mikami to accident upwards.
  • Bookends: As mentioned by Viva herself in the backside the scenes video on "Battle Tendency", that video begins and ends with the phrase "And thus ends this villainous legacy forever!"
  • Brand X: The Pepsi brand that appears on the billboard in "Diamond is Unbreakable" is replaced with but the discussion "Logo."
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • Literally in "Where Is Josuke?". Jotaro goes dorsum in time through Viva Reverie's videos by moving a film reel upwards, all to locate the eponymous character.
    • In "Golden Wind", when the narrator sums up the power of White Anthology as "-1° Kelvin", the tiny icon of Ghiaccio on the stats screen yells, "THAT'South Non HOW THAT WORKS!!"
    • In "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure But Really Really REALLY Really Really Actually Really REALLY FAST", Jonathan non having an Instant Costume Change from his childhood to adult outfit is pointed out by Incidental Character Speedwagon, then he goes off-set to change...which ends up derailing the entire recap.
  • Break the Cutie: Played for Laughs with Hayato, who frequently makes darkly hilarious observations about how traumatizing everything is for him.

    Hayato: Thank goodness for the adrenaline, it's helping me ignore the settling PTSD!

  • Brick Joke:
    • In "Stardust Crusaders", the description for J. Geil's Hanged Human being is "technically not a man in the mirror". In "Golden Current of air", the clarification for Illuso's Man in the Mirror is "technically non a haNGED MAN (sic)".
    • In "Golden Wind", during Koichi's telephone call to Josuke, there's a crash in the groundwork followed by someone yelling about killing, and Jotaro asks if he hears the audio of stand up users. Towards the end of the video, it'southward shown that this was Mista dealing with Scolippi and declaring that he's killed fate.
  • Telephone call a Smeerp a "Rabbit": Parodied in "Pikmin" where afterwards Olimar names the Onion and Pikmin according to the lore from the game, he decides to call a "box-shaped" cardboard box a "box," the "blulblorb-shaped" creatures "Bulborbs," and the "shmurrowing shmagret-shaped" creatures "Burrowing Snagrets."
  • Call-Back: The "JoJo's Bizarre Run a risk" videos take a number of these that aren't quite prolific enough to count as running gags: annotation Viva Reverie mentions in her behind the scenes videos that she doesn't similar to tell the aforementioned joke more than twice unless she can put a dissimilar spin on it, explaining why at that place are more of these than full-blown running gags
    • JoJo'due south mentor responds to an awkward question with "Your breathing is wrong!" and throws something at him.
      • Then the Stand screen description of Justice is "See where incorrect breathing GETS YOU!"
    • "And then (enemy) came out of the equus caballus."
    • "I can't believe (other character) sacrificed himself and gave me all his power; what a dramatic twist of fate!" While the headgear from the deceased floats over to its new wearer.
    • Responding to "Look out, it's (noun) guy!" with "I take defeated (noun) guy." In "Battle Trend" the substantive changes despite referring to the same opponent, which confuses Joseph.
    • "Burn down in the hole!" (throws grenade) "Oh my god."
    • Both Column Fellow #2 and Joseph (vs. Column Swain #3) get attacked, then annotate on the attack and end with "also: AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH —!"
    • Ii allies contend with "We should attack (the enemy) now!" "We should non!"
    • Ii of Star Platinum's less-orthodox moves elicit reactions of, "Wow, I tin't believe yous (verb)ed at them so hard they exploded/imploded!" Jotaro responds, "Natural talent," the second fourth dimension in a questioning tone.
    • "I have returned!" "No yous haven't!" "Correct!" Poor Hol Horse.
    • When Jotaro is blasted against a wall in "Diamond is Unbreakable", he comments "So that'south how information technology feels", since he beat downwardly several people back in "Stardust Crusaders" to that same fate. And the scene itself resembles Kakyoin's defeat at Jotaro, downward to the same screen and dark bluish wall.
    • The descriptions for Star Platinum and The Earth both begin with "punchy boy", referring to how the ii Stands are like. In the next function, Josuke'southward Crazy Diamond, which looks awfully similar to The World, is described as a "punchy anti-entropy boy." Giorno'south Aureate Experience is described as "punchy Vita boy", presumably since Giorno is the protagonist of his function.
    • Similarly, the descriptions for Belfry of Gray and Superfly read the same, "Not actually a fly," alluding to how the two Stands' names get compared a lot amid the fandom.
    • In "Battle Tendency" and "Diamond is Unbreakable", Joseph ends up running with another person towards a ledge to stop a precious object from falling. The first instance had him try to beat Cavalcade Fellow #3 in getting the special rock in fourth dimension on a snowy ledge. And the other has him and Josuke trying to salve Achtung Infant from falling into a river, despite the former's former age getting to him at times.
    • "(Location proper noun) or whatever" appears twice, first with "Notre Matriarch or whatever" in Part two and and so "The Taj Mahal or whatever" in Part 3.
    • Hanged Man's Stand description in Office iii is "Technically non a man in the mirror." Man in the Mirror'south Stand description from Part 5 is "Technically not a hanged MAN."
    • Diavolo and Polnareff's confrontation on the stairs of the Colosseum has the verbal same setup used for Polnareff and DIO's confrontation in Part 3.
    • Narrator!Okuyasu referring to Chariot Requiem equally "Slowly Walking Man" is a scrap reminiscent of the "Look out, it'due south (x) Guy!" gag from the earlier installments.
  • Phone call-Forward: The "JoJo'southward Bizarre Adventure" videos as well accept quotes or moments alluding to time to come parts:
    • When Jonathan attempts to ready dio on burn down while the latter has recently become a vampire, dio responds with his goal to "have over the world first". But Jonathan interrupts him when he says "The World", because he's not supposed to say that yet.
    • Equally a child, Joseph Joestar told some kidnappers that he wants to be Spider-Man when he grew up. This references him using his vine-like Stand up to swing from buildings during the final battle against DIO. When that scene arrives in "Stardust Crusaders", Joseph lampshades information technology past saying that one should "always wish upon a star!"
    • At one point, DIO proclaims that he'southward going to have sex with at least four people, setting upwards his various kids from Parts 5 and 6.
    • "Battle Trend" at one point changes scenes with a "Meanwhile, in Venice" title menu, followed by a few frames showing Part v's Bruno Bucciarati and Trish Una. This gets paid off in the actual "Golden Wind" episode, which quickly shows a scene of Joseph, Caesar, and Lisa Lisa from "Battle Tendency".
    • When High Priestess catches the Stardust Crusaders in her rima oris, she explains that her teeth cannot be destroyed, because "information technology is difficult every bit diamonds, and diamond is unbreakab—" just as Star Platinum smashes them out.
    • In that same video, the final scene has Joseph announcing his plans to go home and come across his married woman, who he has a "salubrious monogamous relationship with", only to awkwardly trail off.
    • "Diamond is Unbreakable" ends with nearly anybody at Morioh wishing a skillful flying to Actual Ghost Reimi Sugimoto as she ascends to a higher plane of being. While this happens, Jotaro says the same matter to Koichi instead, and throws him into the sky with prepared luggage. And then, on the boat home with Joseph, Jotaro wants to become home to his married woman, who he has a "salubrious monogamous human relationship with" ("show-off"). He is well-nigh to reveal other plans while Koichi is notwithstanding flying and screaming. This alludes to Vento Aureo's start, where Jotaro sends Koichi to Italy in gild to investigate Giorno Giovanna, the new protagonist.
    • Yuya's tie has the face of Speed King from Function 8.
    • When Hayato is getting out of "Child Protagonist Purgatory", Emporio can be seen backside Poco, Smokey, and Anne.
    • A rare instance of a Call Forwards where the referenced scene happens in the same episode: when Doppio uses his Epitaph power to see the future, he sees his own Stand description that is shown in the video roughly ten seconds subsequently.
    • Lampshaded in the "But Actually Actually REALLY REALLY Really Actually Actually REALLY FAST" video. Jotaro takes reward of his time stop to crack a few dad jokes, calling forwards to Rock Ocean (which stars his girl).
  • Coincidental Danger Dialogue: Most of what goes on in Five Nights at Freddy'south But Really Really Fast - Ruddy Version, by proxy of this incarnation of Mike being much more than versed in how the game works, both inside and outside. It gets to the point where Freddy and Mike are actively taunting ane another.
  • Catchphrase: Yoshikage Kira says "Another twenty-four hour period, another concerningly narrow escape!" someday he believes he got the Jojo group off his trail.
    • Black Sabbath generally says, "WOULD You Similar TO See THAT Smashing Matter?" during his screentime in "Golden Wind," with his other dialogue being screams. Also counts as a Pre-Mortem Ane-Liner as he uses the phrase to announce his intent to stab people with the Stand up Arrow.
  • Cluster Bleep-Bomb: Actual Ghost Reimi Sugimoto gives Kira a long one when she finally meets him in the alleyway.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: "Five Nights at Freddy's Just Really Really Fast - RED VERSION" is about Mike being totally desensitized to everything happening around him, knowing exactly when to practise at every moment, and having memorized the entire lore.
  • Confusing Multiple Negatives:
    • In "V Nights at Freddy'southward Merely Really Really Fast - BLUE VERSION", Phone Guy advises Mike about the "mortiferous non deadly mortiferous not fuzzy not animals" in the pizzeria.
    • In JoJo's Baroque Hazard Golden Wind But Really Really Fast, Narancia is nether attack from a Stand that makes everything he says the opposite of what he means to say. Then we get this substitution:

      Narancia: I don't not know where the enemy is!
      Squalo: Await, does that mean he knows where we are?
      Tiziano: No, my ability makes it a triple negative, and he-
      Tiziano realizes Narancia cut off his natural language, removing the stand from himself.
      Tiziano: Oh, does that make it a quadruple negative?

  • Curse Cut Short:
    • Calorie-free in "Death Note" when he first meets Ryuk, interrupted by a Cut to Another Scene with a news report.
    • Joseph in "Battle Tendency" arrives at his own funeral very much alive and his friends and family unit respond in this way. Joseph then tells them why he's definitely not dead.
    • Jotaro cuts his own curse short with his time end in "Diamond is Unbreakable".
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: A Running Gag. Every fourth dimension a graphic symbol dies in any given episode, they explode.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship:
    • "Stardust Crusaders" has this with Kakyoin and Polnareff, though they were only enemies in the kickoff place due to forehead squids.

      Jotaro: I conceptualize we'll either have a team of thirty past the finish of this trek or we'll just so happen to coincidentally stop seeing forehead squids from this point forward.

    • All over the place in "Diamond is Unbreakable", much to Jotaro's exasperation when a massive group of one-time enemies shows up all claiming to be main characters.
  • Demoted to Extra: "Stardust Crusaders" does this with a number of enemies:
    • When the heroes run into Forever's prowl liner, they decide to turn around and get out without engaging.
    • Arabia Fats doesn't fifty-fifty appear anywhere other than in his info card. This time instead of a rock smashing through his mirrored hideout, it's Steely Dan who Jotaro launched in the previous scene.
    • The video glosses over Oingo and Boingo, including Hol Horse's team-upward with Boingo. They but fall over and explode without the heroes even noticing them.
    • Rohan doesn't even carp to engage Ken Oyanagi, instead snickering and leaving without a fight.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: The flashback to the human who inspired Josuke'south hairstyle:

    Not Josuke: Hello I'm not Josuke! I will I'thou not Josuke salve you I'grand not Josuke!
    Narrator: He's not Josuke.

  • Early-Bird Cameo: In "Diamond is Unbreakable", during the moment Hayato Kawajiri heads out of the "Kid Protagonist Purgatory", another child wearing a baseball game uniform can be seen behind the 3 with his face obscured. That kid is Emporio Alniño from Stone Ocean.
  • Easter Egg:
    • The captions for the videos add together actress jokes, such as describing audio effects in humorous means, and even occasionally some extra trivia about the making of the videos (such as the caption for Mike drinking in "Five Nights at Freddy's (Red Version)" being "*a drinking sound effect, edited slightly because the original sounded kinda disgusting*").
    • One scene in "Golden Wind" shows the gang'due south computer, with a programme called "2zRgpBxWRo4.avi" on it. The filename is a YouTube video ID, and plugging it into a YouTube link (https://youtu.exist/2zRgpBxWRo4 ) takes y'all to an alternate version of the episode, where Giorno and Fugo are drawn with their manga colors, and the Title Drop was changed from "Gold Wind" to "Vento Aureo". On this alternating version, the plan filename shown on the same figurer scene is changed, and it leads to some other easter egg.
  • Even the Subtitler Is Stumped: In "Boxing Trend", during the office where everyone is talking at once, the captions are just a long string of random letters, with "glhf actually transcribing this lol" somewhere in the middle.
  • Explicate, Explain... Oh, Crap!: In "Aureate Current of air", after Notorious B.I.1000. is thrown out of the plane, Trish expresses her relief, simply then realizes it may not take had the result the grouping was hoping for.

    Trish: The current situation is terribly unfortunate, but thankfully the enemy that follows the fastest thing in its vicinity was thrown off the...airplane—waaait-(B.I.G. crashes through the window behind her)

  • Expospeak Gag: The start of the April Fools 2022 video has Light describe the Expiry Note (or at least the "Note" part) in this manner.

    Calorie-free: I've collected the appliance, that which can be used for storage of information. Or, alternatively, the drove of information if a secondary utensil is practical in an appropriate manner.

  • Floating Limbs: Character models don't accept whatsoever visible arms or legs. If they demand to gesture, a floating hand volition appear from out of frame. If they demand to exist holding something, the object will hover near them.
  • Four Is Death: Mista is struck by lightning and shouts "CRIKEY!" at exactly 4:44 into "Golden Air current but Really Really Fast", right after Trish says "Take off your clothes!"
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: A common type of gag which encourages replays.
    • When "Boxing Tendency" announces the next scene is in Venice, there's a split-second cutaway to Bucciarati and Trish from Golden Current of air, which likewise has a plot arc in Venice.
    • The end of "Battle Tendency" has Joseph Joestar's gravestone read as follows:
    • "Battle Tendency" ends with a split-2nd of Old Joseph talking to Jotaro as a preview for "Stardust Crusaders".
    • During the Steely Dan section in "Stardust Crusaders", Dan demands a back rub from Jotaro. This occurs while Dan's Stand, Lovers, is inside Joseph, meaning that Joseph feels annihilation that Dan experiences. The back rub causes Joseph'south eyes to become Blank White Eyes, since he suddenly feels more than comfortable. This can be seen in the Split Screen containing Polnareff, Kakyoin and Joseph for a second or two.
    • After Gambler D'Arby is knocked out, his cards fly off the tabular array, and if yous await close enough, on 1 of those cards yous tin can see Jack the Ripper'southward face up from "Phantom Blood" on the Jack of Clubs menu.
    • "Where Is Josuke?" previews "Diamond is Unbreakable" by having Jotaro notice Josuke in 1999... after hopping through other Viva Reverie videos.
    • Just after the first time rewind in "Diamond is Unbreakable", Hayato walks out of the "Child Protagonist Purgatory", straight past Poco, Smokey and Anne, with Emporio only behind.
    • The ambulance that runs over Kira has "ecnalubma" written on it rather than "ambulance".
    • In "Stardust Crusaders", when Star Platinum is being explained, after "Punchy boy" the words "and so some" appear in very minor text for a very brief moment.
  • Gambit Roulette: Kira even admits that he'south playing nearly of his plans by ear and is really lucky everything went also equally it did.

    Kira: Another twenty-four hours, some other concerningly narrow escape.

  • Games of the Elderly: Among the effects of The Grateful Dead (a Stand that speedily ages everyone around information technology) is making anyone affected by information technology want to play backgammon.
  • Global Ignorance: Parodied with Bucciarati, who, despite being Italian, seems to fault every major Italian landmark for Big Ben (an English landmark).
  • Graceful Loser: After Josuke fuses Angelo with a rock, he admits that he deserved that and offers some exposition for Josuke and Jotaro. He doesn't become very far before Josuke twists his words into a pilus insult and messes him upward further until he tin't talk, but points for trying.
  • Gratuitous Italian: The janitor from "Golden Current of air" has only two lines before his death:

    Janitor: Mamma mia pizza spaghetti.
    Black Sabbath: WOULD YOU Like TO SEE THAT Neat THING?! [stabs him]
    Janitor: RAVIOLI! [explodes]

  • Gratuitous Japanese:
    • Light in "Expiry Annotation" yells " Masaka! " when L announces the existence of a 2nd killer.
    • DIO in "JoJo'due south Bizarre Adventure" ever announces his Fourth dimension Stop with "ZA WARUDO!" per the meme. Then announces his steamroller assault with "ROADO ROLLAH DA!"
    • In "Battle Tendency" Stroheim yells "Sekai-ichi!" ("Number one in the earth!") when he shoots his cyborg center laser at Column Fellow #3.
    • In "Stardust Crusaders" when Jotaro and Joseph are arguing about taking a airplane, Jotaro yells at him with "Jiji!" (A casual term for "grandpa" which Jotaro ofttimes uses for Joseph in the source material.)
  • I Have a Family unit: Parodied. Angelo tries to apply this trope to prevent a beatdown from Josuke, merely his intentions slip through this tactic.

    "Please, I can explicate, I've got a married woman and kids to murder."

  • Implausible Deniability: "V Nights at Freddy's - BLUE VERSION" has Telephone Guy reassuring Mike that the job is definitely safe and that the animatronics may or may not exist possessed and out for blood.
  • Inconsistent Dub: Throughout "Stardust Crusaders," Jotaro'south Catchphrase keeps changing to signal dissimilar ways it's been translated: "Adept grief," "How annoying," "What a bother," so on. Until the very finish where he says the original phrase, "Yare yare da ze." "Diamond is Unbreakable" resumes irresolute it during both instances it'due south been used, as "Today has been a long day," and, "The things I put up with," respectively.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Josuke has a tendency to twist others' words into insults nearly his hair.

    Jotaro: To affirm say-so I shall now particular miscellaneous strands of your history to your face. *Ahem*
    Josuke's mind: Strands = Hair, History = Boring, Hair Boring = Hair INSULT

    • Subverted with Rohan, as Josuke starts to twist "biographies" into an insult, but for Rohan to directly insult his hair instead.
  • Insistent Terminology: "JoJo's Baroque Take a chance" repeatedly uses unlike terms for established concepts:
    • The Rock Masks are called "stabby blood masks."
    • Speedwagon is always called "Incidental Character Speedwagon." Even when "Stardust Crusaders" and "Diamond is Unbreakable" mention the organization named afterward him.
    • Ripple/Hamon is called "Magic Sunlight Punches."
    • In "Battle Tendency" any explicit mention of Nazis is censored with "High german soldier" spoken in monotone.
    • The Hell Climb Pillar is the "Oil Pit of Shame".
    • The main opponents in "Battle Tendency" aren't Colonnade Men, but Column Fellows. This even extends to addressing them every bit Column Fellow, fifty-fifty afterwards the last one tells Joseph, "My name is Kars, you cock!"
    • In "Battle Tendency" the Red Stone of Aja is just called "the special rock."
    • In "Stardust Crusaders" DIO's flesh buds are referred to as "forehead squids."
    • Highway Star is "Weird Feet Stand".
    • In "Diamond Is Unbreakable" Reimi and Arnold are constantly referred to equally "bodily ghosts".
  • Jumped at the Telephone call: Rohan is quite eager to begin his role as a main grapheme once he meets Actual Ghosts Reimi Sugimoto and Bodily Ghost Arnold.

    Rohan: Come, Koichi! Adventure awaits!

    Koichi: You certain did take to the protagonist function rather quick, sir!

  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
    • In "Diamond is Unbreakable," Masazo Kinoto scoots over the floor on his back for his scene, to avert exposing his back (and Inexpensive Fox) to either Rohan or the audience.
    • In "Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan", when Mikitaka shows up at Rohan's table, Rohan gets in his face demanding to know who he is while also pointing off-screen and maxim "DON'T YOU DARE CUT Abroad!"
    • Mista has a superstitious fear of the number four, and at exactly 4:44 in the "Golden Wind" episode, Mista is struck by lightning out of nowhere.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: How Jun-ho reacts to getting shot by the Front Man earlier falling to his decease:

    Jun-ho: Oh. Well, it's the journeying, not the destination.

  • Almost Definitely Not a Villain: Enya'southward introduction.

    Enya: Howdy, welcome to the worst town ever, I'k non evil, don't heed the zombies.

  • Motor Oral fissure: Everyone. Especially the primary characters since they talk the most.
    • Proficient luck picking out more than a couple of phrases in the "Battle Trend" scene where the "special stone" is about to slip over a precipice, as Joseph, Column Fellow #three, and Caesar all denote their plans over each other.
    • The climax of "Battle Tendency" has Joseph reach the impressive feat of describing what's about to happen to Column Boyfriend #three in one breath.
    • Special mention goes to Captain Olimar in "Pikmin" every bit the simply speaking office in the video (and pretty much never shuts upward even for a second) even though he has no voice-overs in the games!
    • Inverted in the April Fools 2022 video where every character speaks slowly with an occasional pause between words. Except for Ryuk who says his single line even faster than usual.
    • Mike in Dark vii of "Five Nights at Freddy'due south - RED VERSION":

      Mike: Check the cameras, Bonnie'south gone, Foxy's chill, Where's Bonnie? Bonnie's at the door. Foxy'south peeking, Freddy's gone, Chica'due south in the kitchen, Howdy, Freddy! Can't bank check on Foxy until the door's closed, Can't spend fourth dimension closing the door unless Chica's here, Hullo, Chica! Foxy'due south gone, running in the hall, close the door, Chica'southward gone, Foxy's done, Bonnie'south here, Bonnie'south gone, Bonnie'due south here, Bonnie's gone, having a good time, Freddy?
      Freddy: No.
      Mike: Of course not. Chica's here, Foxy's gone, or out of Pirate's Cove, therefore here!
      Freddy: I'll dearest when you make a mistake.
      Mike: If I make a mistake. Howdy, Bonnie!

    • Yoma in "Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan" talks a lot about getting more muscles, either in this fashion or in Pokémon Speak.
    • Polpo in "Gilt Wind" packs a lot of dialogue in only a single sentence twice, specifically noting that Giorno could use his position in the mafia to kill its boss and get a #hashtagGangstar.
  • Multilayer Façade: Jun-ho'south disguise in "SQUID GAME". By the end of it, he's wearing a baby-sit'south outfit with a circumvolve mask, with a square mask on pinnacle of information technology, with a waiter'south mask on top of that, all tied together by his headband.
  • My Nayme Is: Dio'southward descriptions in "Phantom Blood" and "Stardust Crusaders" note that his proper noun is case sensitive. In the former video it's consistently stylized as "dio" and in the latter video as "DIO"; in other media, "DIO" typically refers specifically to his "Stardust Crusaders" appearance.
  • Squeamish Hat: The alpine hats worn by Loggins and Messina in "Battle Trend" and Terence T. D'Arby in "Stardust Crusaders" are all exaggerated so they extend past the edge of the screen. The first two are even referred to as "alpine hat guys."
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Shinobu's response to Kira declaring his desire to kill her is "what a plow-on!"
  • No Indoor Voice: dio, Yukako, and Ghiaccio practice non speak quietly, but are rather the opposite.
  • Plain Evil: Cioccolata's sociopathy is cranked up to 11 in "Golden Wind", proclaiming that his morality is "in the difficult negatives" and that he is so evil, he likes stepping on LEGO pieces.
  • Off the Track: In "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure But Really Actually REALLY Really REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY FAST", Jonathan being slower than the rest of the cast derails the unabridged story; he can't perform an Instant Costume Alter so he goes off to change, which means he'southward absent for the dio confrontation, then he comes back during the following segments and Joseph becomes too decorated escorting him off to look the right ages for Stardust Crusaders or Diamond is Unbreakable...
  • Only Sane Human being: Jotaro during "Diamond is Unbreakable", equally he has to bargain with Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu all the fourth dimension.
  • Piano Driblet: Later on being on the receiving terminate of Giorno'southward 7-page Muda, Cioccolata gets flung towards a garbage truck and is crushed by a pianoforte. And so some other pianoforte. And so several piano keys, all of them playing an off-key version of Giorno's "Il Vento d'Oro" theme song. Later, Diavolo as well gets crushed by a pianoforte, forth with several cars.
  • Precision F-Strike: Jotaro utters 1 in "Stardust Crusaders" after Steely Dan reveals his Stand's trap, so some other when DIO hitchhikes a machine to become to Joseph'southward body and absorb his blood.
    • In "Diamond Is Unbreakable" Hayato also gives one to the person calling the house on the tertiary time loop we see.
  • Pun:
    • After Narancia gets shrunk past Formaggio, he pops out from inside his shoe and exclaims, "Naran-shoe!"
    • Metallica's Stand description (for a Stand that can manipulate metallic, especially from someone's body) is, "Metallic?!? Ick, aahhhh!"
  • Rapid-Fire One-act: The whole series is congenital on this. Viewers will go a lot of Replay Value out of going back to catch what they missed the first time (or fifty-fifty the second or third).
  • Real Time: Different in the original anime, DIO's time stops happen in real seconds (upward to 5 seconds earlier he'southward empowered past Joseph's blood, and so upwardly to 9 seconds afterwards). Averted with Jotaro's own fourth dimension stop at the very end of "Diamond Is Unbreakable", which goes for longer than 2 seconds (Jotaro'southward time stop limit in catechism) to fit in i final "ECNALUBMA" joke.
  • Carmine Herring: In the "Stardust Crusaders" video. With hints such as DIO having a "date at 10 o'clock", his chanting of the phrase "rhino beetle", and Joseph claiming that DIO is finally dead, you would expect a Tempting Fate ending making a Gilligan Cut towards the events leading up to Stone Ocean . Further emphasized by the fact that the first two JoJo videos end with the same sort of Flash Forward, and yet it never happens here.
  • RPG-Mechanics Verse: A very small-scale case, just in the "Battle Tendency" video, when Joseph and Lisa Lisa try to manipulate the Column Fellows, they're told to "gyre for [charisma/charade]", and when the die comes up a natural xx both times, the Column Fellows are forced to reluctantly concede.
  • Running Gag:
    • In full general, there are several cases where dramatic tension is abridged by having a character come to a conclusion, so in the very next judgement (if non the same breath) backpedal with a "no" and then immediately backpedal still over again with a "yeah."
    • A few from the "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" videos:
      • "At least dio's dead now. Definitely." "It turned out that dio was not actually dead."
      • "Curlicue for [charisma/deception/etc]." "Twenty!"
      • "Await out, it's (noun) guy!"
      • The descriptions for several Stand abilities in a row are just "Morph dirt" (Judgement), "Morph mineral" (High Priestess), and "Morph sand... Car" (The Fool). After Geb breaks the pattern there'south "Morph faaaace" (Khnum), and Earth Wind and Fire'south description from "Diamond is Unbreakable" is "Morph- expect, he's a what? Okay... Hold on-"
      • Proverb "The enemy!" when encountering an enemy, first done in Stardust Crusaders by Polnareff to Hol Equus caballus, then carried over to Narancia in Golden Wind when he encounters Formaggio, followed by Narancia, Mista, and Abbachio maxim it to the completely innocent man they trounce up earlier fighting Squalo and Tiziano. Finally brought back to "Irrelevant" note Polnareff, although he did say his proper name ''was'' irrelevant at the moment Bucciarati utters the words.
      • A grapheme saying "Get my good side!" when getting their picture taken. When Rohan discovers Cheap Pull a fast one on, Masazo's reaction is "NO! THAT'S MY BAD SIDE!"
      • "Morioh Cho Radio" appears randomly in "Diamond is Unbreakable" during ominous or dramatic moments.
      • Request to be a master graphic symbol. Played in minor with Kakyoin and Polnareff in "Stardust Crusaders", just almost every Stand user who'southward washed a Heel–Confront Turn in "Diamond is Unbreakable" asks to be a main character, and by the signal Jotaro announces the pursuit of Kira he is shocked to detect an entire group of over x self-proclaimed main characters, including Joseph, Yukako, Tonio, Koichi, Okuyasu, Mr. Nijimura (the 'goopy father'), Josuke, Rohan, Hazamada, and Aya Tsuji. Note that less than half of these are actually main characters from the source textile, and Josuke explicitly rejected Hazamada's offer to go a primary grapheme on the basis that he was "this close to bodily murder."
      • Any scene with a plane crashing volition use the exact aforementioned clip of a plane crashing into the desert first seen in "Battle Tendency", edited if necessary. In "Stardust Crusaders", Iggy's The Fool flopping into the ground invokes the scene. In "Golden Air current", Aerosmith's Stand up description is the clip playing unedited, and the Notorious B.I.M scene goes over the desert instead of the ocean.
      • Any Stand up whose power involves guns or bullets is described simply with "GUN", commencement seen with Hol Equus caballus'south Emperor. Bad Visitor's Stand up description (being a tiny army of soldiers) is the word "GUN" repeated over and over. Sex Pistols' Stand description is "When a mommy GUN and a daddy GUN love eachother [sic] very much..."
      • Anytime everyone refers to Giorno's ambitions to become the leader of Passione, they specifically refer to him as becoming a #hashtagGangstar.
      • "[X] is Trish." Trish is Trish, of grade, then Narancia is Trish (riffing off the memetic scene in the source material), and then Mista is Trish, and and then Diavolo is Trish (both of which occur after a "Freaky Friday" Flip).
    • Characters in the Squid Game episode repeatedly saying a game they're nearly to play is based on a classic Korean kids game. Besides, tug of state of war is mentioned only by "tug of war from Mario Party specifically".
    • Lampshading stands that don't quite follow the normal rules with some variation of "except for when it doesn't".
  • Rule of Three: A minor Running Gag in "Diamond is Unbreakable" is Kira's announcement of "Another day, some other concerningly narrow escape", after barely avoiding getting exposed. The third time he says it, Kira remembers mid-proclamation that this fourth dimension he didn't escape.
  • Same Character, only Unlike: Blue Version Mike acts like a normal yet paranoid person on the job, since Telephone Guy gives him specific yet vague information and doesn't give him reliable information on the robot's attacking patterns, plus, he is agape of beingness killed past the fuzzy animal robots he is watching over his shift. Reddish Version Mike, on the other hand, acts like a hardened FNAF Veteran, ignoring and muting Telephone Guy'southward calls due to him interim like the tragedies that happened hither are "Common Noesis at this betoken" and isn't really scared of the scary robot animals since he recognized their attacking patterns and facing Freddy'south potential jumpscare without fear, if he'd been lucky enough to survive til Vi A. K. and winning the week and rubbing it in Freddy's face.
  • Seinfeldian Conversation: With Prosciutto's Stand up forcing everybody into former historic period, they also actually desire to play Backgammon as well. This evolves into every chat about Backgammon evolving into this. Heck, even Prosciutto himself states that Backgammon is underrated.
  • Sequel Escalation: "Phantom Blood" is 3.5 minutes long. "Battle Tendency" is almost double that at just over 6 minutes. "Stardust Crusaders" is double that at 12 minutes. "Diamond is Unbreakable" is but a few seconds longer than the previous video, clocking at 13.5 minutes. Helps explicate why the time betwixt the commencement and second videos was about one month, the fourth dimension between the 2nd and tertiary was 6.5 months, and the fourth dimension between the tertiary and quaternary was ix months. "Golden Wind" is a total-on 20 minutes and two seconds, which also explains the huge time gap between this video and the concluding ane.
  • Shout-Out:
    • In "Expiry Note" ane of Ryuk's lines is, "Willem Dafoe," alluding to his actor in the live-activity Death Annotation accommodation. After he says, "Quarter-Life: Halfway To Destruction."
    • In "Phantom Claret", the zombies that serve as dio's minions are clearly modelled later the zombies from Plants vs. Zombies . Ditto for the ones that walk around in the town where the gang meets Enya in "Stardust Crusaders".
    • "Battle Tendency", "Stardust Crusaders" and "Diamond is unbreakable" all accept Joestar family members making a declaration to their opponent who then tells them to gyre a 20-sided dice for the effort ala Dungeons & Dragons . Each time the die comes up a natural 20. Young Joseph and Lisa Lisa get the Column Fellows to concede reluctantly, while Old Joseph is told a twenty isn't enough to beat Daniel J. D'Arby (since D'Arby cheats). In "Diamond is Unbreakable", Josuke repeatedly rolls 20s with the help of Mikitaka, much to Rohan'due south frustration.
    • In "Battle Tendency", Lisa Lisa tells Column Fellow #three "I've come to bargain."
    • In the April Fool's 2022 video, Light says, "Yous may enquire yourself, 'Well, how did I get here?'"
    • Several from "Stardust Crusaders":
    • In "Toy Story", the humans are represented by a shoe that's reminiscent of Mr. Big Shoe from The Demented Cartoon Picture show and that makes the aforementioned "splat" sound when stomping the ground.
    • In "Where is Josuke?", Near states that his victory was "pure luck" and that he was "not in control of the situation at all".
    • A lot from "Diamond is Unbreakable":
    • Subverted in the 5 Nights at Freddy'southward series. Viva has confirmed notation In the premiere chat before Red Version that the videos' naming convention is not an intentional reference to The Living Tombstone. Though the last line spoken by Red Version Mike may reference one of their songs Die In A Burn.
    • Freddy'due south specific greeting to Mike with Badass Baritone during "Five Nights at Freddy's - Blueish VERSION":
    • From "Gilt Air current":
      • A poster in Jotaro's office is for Free Willy But Really Really Fast.
      • Still another TMBG reference, equally Black Sabbath's lines of dialogue consist of it shouting "WOULD YOU LIKE TO Encounter THAT GROOVY Matter" and "Everyone WANTS TO SEE THAT GROOVY Affair", references to "Spiraling Shape" off of Factory Showroom . Diavolo also references the song's lyrics when he monologues about the arrows ("excellence or serious injury"), and the song itself plays in slow motion later on Diavolo is punched by Gold Feel Requiem.
      • Soft Machine's Stand up description is "Inception horn".
      • Sex activity Pistols' Stand description, if y'all accept out the "GUN" Running Gag, is "When a mommy and a daddy dear each other very much..."
      • Kraft Piece of work'southward Stand description is "Owa daim," alluding to the shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild where you unlock the Stasis rune (which is basically Kraft Work's Stand up ability), and its use is accompanied by visuals and sound effects associated with said rune.
      • Bucciarati finding Polpo's treasure stash and levelling upwards references the infamous Very False Advertizing from Mafia City , in particular their "Level 1 Crook vs Level 35 Boss" ads.
      • Coco Jumbo's Stand description is a vocal rendition of the theremin part of the Dr. Who opening, probably because Mr. President is Bigger on the Inside.
      • Beach Boy's Stand description is "Hooked on a fffishing line," referencing the song "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede, give or accept a Last-Second Word Swap.
      • Spice Girl's Stand up cry goes a footling bit further with the "Wannabe" reference than in the source cloth, using a line from the song'due south refrain instead of its championship.
      • Green Day'south Stand description riffs off the lyrics from the real Green Day's vocal "Basket Instance".

        Practise you have the time, to Impale everything all at once~

      • Viva Reverie confirmed that Oasis' Stand description ("#deep") is a reference to the Bo Burnham song of the same proper noun, specifically the lyric, "If Jesus can walk on water, can he swim on land?"
      • Right before Giorno engages the famous "7-Page Muda", a sound result from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 plays, specifically the one upon starting a Level 3 Hyper Combo.
      • The Stand known as Rolling Stones, which follows people who are blighted to die soon, is described in its card simply as, "Your density".
  • Shown Their Piece of work: In "5 Nights at Freddy's - RED VERSION", both the video and Mike know the FNAF franchise all inside out, like the timeline, mechanics, pop theories, and the verbal AI levels of the animatronics for each night.
  • Simultaneous Arcs: A split-screen is used to show the events of one Thursday in "Diamond is Unbreakable", with characters and narration talking over each other as they deal with various problems, Stands, and fish research.
  • Cease Hitting Yourself: The verbatim Stand description of Ghiaccio's White Album Gently Weeps, referring to the fact that it can redirect Mista'south attacks dorsum at him.
  • Strange Minds Call back Alike: One time Jotaro'south group reunites later on dealing with Mariah and Alessi:

    Jotaro, Polnareff, Joseph, Avdol: Y'all wouldn't believe what we simply had to deal with!
    Polnareff, Joseph, Avdol: It was weirdly sexual!
    Jotaro: ...what?

  • Stuff Bravado Up: Commonly used to evidence someone existence utterly trounced. Unless Yoshikage Kira is involved, and so the explosions are quite literal.
  • Stylistic Self-Parody: All the characters in the series are drawn without whatsoever arms or legs, and hands are simply depicted when they need to exist. This gets made fun of in the "Gilded Wind" episode: afterward Giorno gets attacked by Notorious B.I.G, Bucciarati brings him to Abbacchio and points out that he has lost both of his arms; Abbacchio replies by stating he tin clearly see it and Bucciarati doesn't need to specify that.
  • Take That!:
    • During the Germans' introductions in "Boxing Tendency", every time someone is about to say "Nazi", the video pauses, the speaker's face is replaced by the demonetization symbol, and the narrator chimes in with "German soldiers". She uses that phrase with utter boredom to mock that website'south sensitive demonetization system and/or the official English dub's censorship.
      • Too pauses in Golden Air current when Melone was about to say "rape" (but this time, the voice screams "Consent was not involved!")
    • In "Stardust Crusaders", on Horus' Middle Catch, the description is "Nether Pressure only bad".
    • To finish off "Stardust Crusaders", the "To Be Continued" arrow appears while the narrator desperately sings "Walk Similar an Egyptian". Every bit she tries to justify that the show stopped using "Roundabout" equally the ending vocal, some other arrow appears with the get-go note of that song playing. This shows how that song is essentially synonymous with the franchise, and how no other tune can compete confronting that.
    • Later taking silent potshots at Poco, Smokey and Anne for having no plot significance in their parts by not including them in these videos, "Diamond is Unbreakable" finally features them in the aforementioned scene... set in a place called "Kid Protagonist Purgatory".
    • "Five Nights at Freddy'south - Blue VERSION" halts abruptly in the middle of the video to present a parody of MatPat from Game Theory badly explaining the game's lore.

      Not MatPat: ...But hey! That's only a gauge!!

  • Talking Is a Costless Activeness: Joseph Joestar is able to pull off his "The next thing you will say is..." gag involving a paragraph of run-on sentences without being interrupted past the enemy.
  • Tempting Fate: Many characters practise this by proverb things are going well or hoping not to run across something, commonly merely before they're contradicted.
  • That Came Out Incorrect: Jotaro spends the entirety of "Stardust Crusaders" practicing his well-known retort to DIO, "Can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer," but keeps messing information technology upward. When the scene in question arrives, Jotaro says, "I take to become closer before I can shit on you— ahh, dammit!"
  • This Cannot Exist!: This happens in "Battle Tendency" during Stroheim's battle against Column Young man #3.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: Jotaro survives DIO'south barrage and stops time himself, shouting "Surprise, BITCH!" before he finishes DIO off for practiced.
  • Thought They Knew Already: When Koichi reports to Jotaro about Giorno, Jotaro tells him that Giorno is DIO's son. Koichi is confused, then Jotaro says he idea Koichi already knew.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Pretty much all of Hayato'southward screentime is him being put through horribly traumatizing situation after horribly traumatizing situation.
  • Unreadably Fast Text: The info cards for both Avdol and DIO in "Stardust Crusaders," Rohan in "Diamond Is Unbreakable" and Diavolo in "Gilded Wind" when explaining their Stand's special abilities, although Diavolo's applies mainly because he skipped through it.
  • Unsound Event: In "Gilt Air current", when Giorno grows a tree to puncture Cioccolata's helicopter from below, the sound event is Viva quietly maxim "tree".
  • Verbal Backspace: Mista, afflicted by Prosciutto's historic period-accelerating The Grateful Dead, confronts the two past saying, "You've just messed with the wrong retirement home- GANG, gang, I meant gang!!"

I accept defeated Tropes Guy!

How to Make Text Animation Like Stardust Crusaders




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